Within the framework of the corporate policy of COMPANATGE S.L. and taking into account the continuous evolution of society and the changing circumstances affecting an increasingly demanding market, COMPANATGE S.L. has determined the implementation in its organization of a Quality Management System according to the international standard ISO 9001 and Environmental Management ISO 14001.
Our activities are: Semi-extensive exploitation of goats and sheep. Cutting room. Artisanal production and distribution of cheese and other dairy products. Artisanal production and distribution of sausages. Taberna restaurante.
Gerencia communicates its action policy, which extends to all members of its organization and is summarized in the following commitments:
The fulfillment of customer requirements and the satisfaction of their expectations as consumer of 'Handcrafted products', are the strategic principle of the brand COMPANATGE S.L., as a representative of a company with a clear vocation to achieve the indisputable credibility of 'Centro artesanal' on the island of Ibiza.
Let's work together as a team, for our Customers, and for our future.
Fdo. Management - November 2018
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